Saturday, November 8, 2008


Hi. My name is Ailyn Naranjo, and I am a Journalism student at the Florida International University. This is my junior year at FIU and I love this career. I'm originally from Camaguey, Cuba. I love my city, since I was born and grown up there until I was 16 years old when I moved to the United States. Camaguey is a beautiful city. It says that is one of the most traditional cities of Cuba. Founded in 1514 by the Spanish conquistadors, and named then with the name of Santa Maria del Puerto Del Principe. Named later by the name the natives used to call this city. Camaguey is a city full of traditions and legends.

As I would never forget my roots, I'm making a recompilation of old stories or legends that I have heritage from my parents and grandparents and I would like to make them public here to all others that don't know about and for the ones that have more to share about the beautiful city of Camaguey.

1 comment:

Manuel Ortega said...

Hola Ailyn, estaba buscando el net por tinajones y encontre tu blog.
Yo soy camagueyano, sali en el '71 a los nueve anos te invito veas mi blog
Aqui te dejo una poesia recien mia.

Mi patio Camagüeyano.

En mi patio Camagüeyano
tengo un tinajon
con dos ranitas cantando
sus canticos de amor.

La lluvia sobre el tejado,
del tejado al la canal,
de la canal al tinajon,
y dos ranitas cantaron
sus canticos de amor.

Un rayo partio las nubes
un diluvio se desato
callo sobre el tejado,
del tejado a la canal,
de la canal al tinajon
el tinajon se desbordo
y dos ranitas se fueron
llevadas por la corriente;
se fueron cantando
sus canticos de amor
mas cien ranacuajos dejaron
nadando en el tinajon.

El sol espanto las nubes
y pronto la lluvia seco.

En mi patio Camagüeyano
tengo un tinajon
con cien ranitas cantando
su cantico de amor.

Manuel Ortega