Inside the cementery of the Santo Cristo Del Buen Viaje in the city of Camaguey, there is a tomb. In there is written an eternal epitaph that says:
"Aqui Dolores Rondon finalizo su carrera.
Ven mortal y considera, las grandezas cuales son:
el orgullo y presucion, la opulencia y el poder,
todo llega a fenecer, pues solo se inmortaliza el mal
que se economiza y el bien que se puede hacer."
(“Here Dolores Rondon ended her race.
Come mortal and consider the greatness which they are:
The pride and presume, the opulence and power,
Everything got to an end, because only is immortal the wrong
That can be economized and the good that can be made.”)
que se economiza y el bien que se puede hacer."
(“Here Dolores Rondon ended her race.
Come mortal and consider the greatness which they are:
The pride and presume, the opulence and power,
Everything got to an end, because only is immortal the wrong
That can be economized and the good that can be made.”)
This poem as epitaph appeared there in the year 1883. The legend says that Dolores Rondon was a beautiful lady, daughter of a Spanish man and a black slave. In the barber shop close to her house worked a man like her and his name was Juan de Moya y Escobar. She always treated him with disdain, never accepting the love he was feeling for her. The cheerful Dolores married a Spanish official, who died really soon, leaving her alone and helpless. A short time passed when she was found in a Hospital alone, almost dying. The only person who was there beside her bed was el mulato Juan de Moya until she died. Poor was the burial, and poor was the tomb of Dolores Rondon. The rumor was that this epitaph was made by the unfortunate man who always loved her. This legend is framed by the impossible love and the things that sometimes happen in this live for not really appreciate the chances it gives us. This whole story is enclosed in a little flowers bouquet, the cross and the epitaph.
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